Customs Warehouse and Authorizations For The Storage of Goods

Almacen Aduanero y las Autorizaciones para el Almacenaje de Mercancías

The customs warehouse is authorized by the Customs-AEAT (Spanish Tax Agency) to private companies that, upon request and provision of guarantees, are granted a customs authorization for the storage of merchandise arriving in transit and that have not accrued taxes.

There are many modalities of customs warehouse but the most important are the so-called ADT (Temporary storage warehouse) for clearance of merchandise, which can remain for a maximum period of 90 days until completion and the DAP (Permanent Custms Warehouse) that allows indefinite storage and operations such as sales in deposit between companies and usual manipulations.

In the world of foreign trade, where trade agreements between economic blocs (EEC, Asia, USA, etc.) are constantly changing, and as an example of this, we can cite the recent Brexit, you can benefit from the advantages of the customs warehouse that provides high value in foreign trade and in the supply chain.

There are other types of authorizations, see (Customs warehouses and their unknown advantages) but those mentioned above are undoubtedly the most demanded by companies, due to the deferral of taxes and the advantage of being able to sell the merchandise to a third party or forward it to another country without having to pay taxes.

One of the advantages that I would like to mention is the saving in transport costs by being able to make a shipment of greater volume, for example a 40” container and that the merchandise remains in the customs warehouse waiting to be sold or delivered, instead of to make small or medium shipments, with the high cost that these partial shipments entail.

There are numerous advantages for companies engaged in foreign trade that you should take advantage of, as perhaps your competition currently does, in order to obtain cost savings and agility in deliveries by having a physical stock, but without having to disburse in advance the duties and VAT upon arrival of the shipment.

At Intercoex we have these authorizations so that our clients can benefit from the aforementioned advantages.

Manuel E. Álvarez García
Agente de Aduanas Colegiado